Landowner Rights Meeting Set for Friday, Jan 28th in Colebrook
Local opposition groups to the Northern Pass Transmission Line have organized a meeting for landowners titled “Landowners, You Are Not Alone” to take place on Friday, January 28, 2011 starting at 6:00 pm at the Colebrook Elementary School Cafeteria. The meeting is for all affected landowners and anyone who is opposed to the impact that Northern Pass will have on the North Country’s economy, heritage, health and way of life.
Local opposition groups to the Northern Pass Transmission Line have organized a meeting for landowners titled “Landowners, You Are Not Alone” to take place on Friday, January 28, 2011 starting at 6:00 pm at the Colebrook Elementary School Cafeteria. The meeting is for all affected landowners and anyone who is opposed to the impact that Northern Pass will have on the North Country’s economy, heritage, health and way of life.
Rick Johnsen, member of the Power Line Education Fund, stated, “…it’s important that landowners recognize that they are not alone in this struggle. We organized this meeting for a Friday evening in order to also accommodate landowners who live in other areas but come to the North Country on weekends. We welcome all landowners whether they anticipate the power line may go over their property or not and invite all others who anticipate or are concerned about a decline in land values for their property due to the proposed project.”
Topics to be addressed will be landowner rights, issues surrounding eminent domain, steps of the governmental review and permit process for Northern Pass and how long it will take, how to deal with early requests by Northern Pass to entry property before the entire permitting process has been completed, the impact the proposed project has on property values, and when and how to seek legal advice.
Organizers believe it’s important to get landowner input as well and hope to elicit ideas on how best to help them now and in the future.
Northern Pass is an LLC created for the building of the High Voltage Direct Current transmission line through New Hampshire by Hydro Quebec in collaboration with North East Utilities, its subsidiary Public Service of New Hampshire, NStar, and Hydro Quebec. For more information on Northern Pass go to www.northernpass.us.Topics to be addressed will be landowner rights, issues surrounding eminent domain, steps of the governmental review and permit process for Northern Pass and how long it will take, how to deal with early requests by Northern Pass to entry property before the entire permitting process has been completed, the impact the proposed project has on property values, and when and how to seek legal advice.
Organizers believe it’s important to get landowner input as well and hope to elicit ideas on how best to help them now and in the future.
Event sponsors include the Power Line Education Fund, the Concerned Citizens Against the NU / NSTAR HVDC Power-Lines in NH and The Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy. For more information on the opposition go to www.livefreeorfry.org or email infonorthcountrypowerline@gmail.com.