Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Power Line Opposition Meeting, Colebrook, Oct. 29, 2011

Landowner Meeting on Northern Pass Scheduled in Colebrook on Saturday, October 29th
A “Landowners’ Meeting on Northern Pass” has been scheduled for Saturday, October 29th at the Colebrook Elementary School in the school cafeteria. The information and update meeting will start at 6:00 pm and is sponsored by the Power Line Education Fund and the Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy.
Rick Johnsen, member of the Power Line Education Fund, stated that: “this is the one year anniversary since the people in the North Country first heard about the proposed Northern Pass power line. Since that time, thousands upon thousands of New Hampshire residents and landowners have stated their opposition to the project that plans to build a High Voltage Direct Current electric corridor up to 400 feet in width, from the Canadian Boarder to Franklin NH, then down to Deerfield, with huge metal lattice towers, most in excess of 135 feet in height. These towers, if they are built will be placed every 800 feet for 180+ miles, and will permanently destroy the character of Northern NH, our ability to attract large numbers of tourists, damage property values of local landowners, and emit hazardous electromagnetic radiation. We plan to provide landowners and other attendees new information and updates on developments as we continue to oppose and fight against this scar on our landscape and community.”
Topics will include: where Northern Pass plans to put the power line and why they will fail; how the people can stop it, 99% of informed NH residents and landholders are opposed; special thanks to landowners holding out, our Heroes; and tips and guidelines for landowners when dealing with Northern Pass representatives.
Speakers at the event include: Attorney Bob Baker, NH Sate Representative, Larry Rappaport, Will Abbott of the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Lynne O. Placey of Stewartstown and others wishing to share their experience they had with NP.
Please join us and show your solidarity for your neighbors and friends who oppose this assault on our community. Share the experience you had, or are having with Northern Pass representatives, with others.
The Power Line Education Fund is the fund raising arm of opponents to Northern Pass and was established to educate and raise public awareness of HVDC Power Lines in NH and has a website at www.livefreeorfry.org.
Anyone who would like to donate to the opposition to Northern Pass and the work of the Power Line Education Fund can go to the website and donate on line or mail a contribution to the Power Line Education Fund, P.O. Box 441, Colebrook, NH 03576. All donations are welcome and will be spent responsibly.
For more information on the event, the Power Line Education Fund or the Northern Pass project contact infonorthcountrypowerline@gmail.com