Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rally and March
Live Free Or Fry has been connecting with members of the OWS movement at Liberty Plaza to try and arrange for a protest march or some movement on the streets of NYC in opposition to the Northern Pass and submitted a proposal to the NYC General Assembly to do so. http://www.nycga.net
The plan is: to organize a march against the Northern Pass for Friday the 25th of Nov. I will arrive at Liberty Plaza on Wednesday the 23rd to talk with the people and some working groups to rally support for the march on “Black Friday”. The OWS movement is in a state of metamorphosis so there are no promises and our march, if it takes place, may coincide with other protest initiatives. We will at the very least raise public awareness of NP.
* Wanna-help? Here’s what you can do today:
Login at: NYC General Assembly, http://www.nycga.net join relevant groups like “Direct Action”, “Environmental Solidarity”, “Part Time Caucus” and chime-in: open/answer forum topics, etc about the Northern Pass. Engage public discussion. Please use one of your Stop NP signs or icons for your avatar on your personal information page. We need to generate further discussion and enlighten people about NP… http://www.nycga.net/members/rick/
Login at: Occupy Wall Street, http://occupywallst.org and engage the public, leave messages, post forums, etc., about the NP. Go Live Stream: chat, tweet, text, etc. there too. We need to generate much more discussion about NP to rally support for any movement on Friday. http://occupywallst.org/users/LiveFreeOrFry
It’s all about raising awareness and educating the masses about this NP proposal AND what HQ is doing to its indigenous population: flooding many hectares of land, diverting / reversing rivers, flooding burial grounds, on and on, you know what else. Please voice/post your concerns and discussions about the NP repeatedly on these sites. It will help.
** Really Wanna-help?
Be There on the 25th! We’ll try to rally by the Red Cube, just across form Liberty Plaza, (formerly Zuccotti Park, at Broadway and Cedar Street) after noon. Print out and distribute the attached flyer or other NP information and signs.
Note: Signs, especially homemade signs will get the press’s attention. There are places to stay over night in-doors, church shelters. Also there are guarded Port-Potties for us at the loading dock behind the Teachers Federation Building, 52 Broadway, two blocks from the Plaza.
*** Really, Really Wanna-help?
Be there on Wednesday the 23rd! Help rally supporters… my cell# (for the 23rd to the 25th only) is: 603-723-7546 to get connected on those days. Do not leave messages. Print out many copies and distribute the attached flyer and/or what other NP info you have to share.
Why march against NP?
99% of informed NH residents and landowners say “STOP THE NORTHERN PASS” but the Utilities Companies have hired an army of Lobbyists to cover the ears and eyes of NH politicians and Hydro-Quebec is funding it to boot.
Many groups have formed throughout the State of NH to fight this monster of a Power Line project, and they have been fighting, 24/7, for the past year to STOP the 180 miles of 140 foot high towers, placed every 800 feet, that will permanently altering the aesthetics of NH. The project will tower through pristine wilderness including the White Mountains, deforesting over 7000 acres of land along the way, then aerial spray it with defoliants to keep it that way, polluting countless water supplies state wide….and more, much more… see www.LiveFreeOrFry.org and Google: Stop Northern Pass and Hydro-Quebec floods ancestral lands.
Hope to see you there.
Thank you.
Live Free Or Fry