Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bob and Bill at the helm.

Ray Burton stopped by to visit the Live Free Or Fry info booth at the Snodeo.

Chandra Covello raising awareness about the power line.

Power Line Education Fund Has A Booth At Swift Diamond Riders’ SnoDeo, 2011 March 4 & 5 Stewartstown, NH

Local opposition groups to Hydro-Quebec’s Northern Pass Transmission Line project have organized an information booth, in the Mall Tent at the Swift Diamond Riders’ SnoDeo 2011, on March 4th and 5th at the Coleman State Park in Stewartstown NH. The Information Booth is for all residents, landowners, tourists and anyone who is interested in the negative impact that Hydro-Quebec’s Mega Power Line will have on the North Country’s economy, heritage, health and way of life.

Rick Johnsen, member of the Power Line Education Fund, stated: “It’s important that residents, absentee landowners and seasonal residents recognize that they are not alone in their concerns about land values and the biological hazards associated with very high voltage direct current power Lines. The Fund organized this information booth to best reach out to the hundreds of tourists and landowners who live in other areas but come to the North Country on a regular basis. All comers are welcome, whether they anticipate the power line may go over their property or not and invite all others who anticipate or are concerned about a decline in land values for their property due to the proposed project, to stop by the booth. The booth will be in the heated Mall Tent. SnoDeo participants can stop in and pick up information and show their support for the Fund, sign a petition and get connected!” Organizers believe it’s important to get landowners and tourists input as welland hope to elicit ideas on how to best stop Hydro-Quebec’s Northern Pass.

Northern Pass is an LLC created for the building of the High Voltage Direct Current transmission line through New Hampshire by Hydro-Quebec in collaboration with North East Utilities, its subsidiary Public Service of New Hampshire, NStar, and Hydro-Quebec. Hydro-Quebec is subsidizing the entire project, from start to finish, including the sponsorship of Swift Diamond Riders’ SnoDeo 2011, here in the USA. For more information on Northern Pass go to

The Power Line Education Fund has been established to collect donations to educate and raise public awareness about this massive project, which will send electricity into the power grid at two cents per kilowatt hour, serving residents of Massachusetts and Connecticut with little if any benefit for New Hampshire, while decimating our landscape and economy. Individuals interested in donating to the Fund may do so safely through PayPal, simply click the DONATE button on the home page or send a check or money order to the Power Line Education Fund, P.O. Box 441, Colebrook, NH 03576.

Booth sponsors include the Power Line Education Fund, the Concerned Citizens Against the NSTAR - HVDC Power-Line in New Hampshire and The Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy. For more information on the opposition go to or email