Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rally and March
Live Free Or Fry has been connecting with members of the OWS movement at Liberty Plaza to try and arrange for a protest march or some movement on the streets of NYC in opposition to the Northern Pass and submitted a proposal to the NYC General Assembly to do so. http://www.nycga.net
The plan is: to organize a march against the Northern Pass for Friday the 25th of Nov. I will arrive at Liberty Plaza on Wednesday the 23rd to talk with the people and some working groups to rally support for the march on “Black Friday”. The OWS movement is in a state of metamorphosis so there are no promises and our march, if it takes place, may coincide with other protest initiatives. We will at the very least raise public awareness of NP.
* Wanna-help? Here’s what you can do today:
Login at: NYC General Assembly, http://www.nycga.net join relevant groups like “Direct Action”, “Environmental Solidarity”, “Part Time Caucus” and chime-in: open/answer forum topics, etc about the Northern Pass. Engage public discussion. Please use one of your Stop NP signs or icons for your avatar on your personal information page. We need to generate further discussion and enlighten people about NP… http://www.nycga.net/members/rick/
Login at: Occupy Wall Street, http://occupywallst.org and engage the public, leave messages, post forums, etc., about the NP. Go Live Stream: chat, tweet, text, etc. there too. We need to generate much more discussion about NP to rally support for any movement on Friday. http://occupywallst.org/users/LiveFreeOrFry
It’s all about raising awareness and educating the masses about this NP proposal AND what HQ is doing to its indigenous population: flooding many hectares of land, diverting / reversing rivers, flooding burial grounds, on and on, you know what else. Please voice/post your concerns and discussions about the NP repeatedly on these sites. It will help.
** Really Wanna-help?
Be There on the 25th! We’ll try to rally by the Red Cube, just across form Liberty Plaza, (formerly Zuccotti Park, at Broadway and Cedar Street) after noon. Print out and distribute the attached flyer or other NP information and signs.
Note: Signs, especially homemade signs will get the press’s attention. There are places to stay over night in-doors, church shelters. Also there are guarded Port-Potties for us at the loading dock behind the Teachers Federation Building, 52 Broadway, two blocks from the Plaza.
*** Really, Really Wanna-help?
Be there on Wednesday the 23rd! Help rally supporters… my cell# (for the 23rd to the 25th only) is: 603-723-7546 to get connected on those days. Do not leave messages. Print out many copies and distribute the attached flyer and/or what other NP info you have to share.
Why march against NP?
99% of informed NH residents and landowners say “STOP THE NORTHERN PASS” but the Utilities Companies have hired an army of Lobbyists to cover the ears and eyes of NH politicians and Hydro-Quebec is funding it to boot.
Many groups have formed throughout the State of NH to fight this monster of a Power Line project, and they have been fighting, 24/7, for the past year to STOP the 180 miles of 140 foot high towers, placed every 800 feet, that will permanently altering the aesthetics of NH. The project will tower through pristine wilderness including the White Mountains, deforesting over 7000 acres of land along the way, then aerial spray it with defoliants to keep it that way, polluting countless water supplies state wide….and more, much more… see www.LiveFreeOrFry.org and Google: Stop Northern Pass and Hydro-Quebec floods ancestral lands.
Hope to see you there.
Thank you.
Live Free Or Fry
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Power Line Opposition Meeting, Colebrook, Oct. 29, 2011

Landowner Meeting on Northern Pass Scheduled in Colebrook on Saturday, October 29th
A “Landowners’ Meeting on Northern Pass” has been scheduled for Saturday, October 29th at the Colebrook Elementary School in the school cafeteria. The information and update meeting will start at 6:00 pm and is sponsored by the Power Line Education Fund and the Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy.
Rick Johnsen, member of the Power Line Education Fund, stated that: “this is the one year anniversary since the people in the North Country first heard about the proposed Northern Pass power line. Since that time, thousands upon thousands of New Hampshire residents and landowners have stated their opposition to the project that plans to build a High Voltage Direct Current electric corridor up to 400 feet in width, from the Canadian Boarder to Franklin NH, then down to Deerfield, with huge metal lattice towers, most in excess of 135 feet in height. These towers, if they are built will be placed every 800 feet for 180+ miles, and will permanently destroy the character of Northern NH, our ability to attract large numbers of tourists, damage property values of local landowners, and emit hazardous electromagnetic radiation. We plan to provide landowners and other attendees new information and updates on developments as we continue to oppose and fight against this scar on our landscape and community.”
Topics will include: where Northern Pass plans to put the power line and why they will fail; how the people can stop it, 99% of informed NH residents and landholders are opposed; special thanks to landowners holding out, our Heroes; and tips and guidelines for landowners when dealing with Northern Pass representatives.
Speakers at the event include: Attorney Bob Baker, NH Sate Representative, Larry Rappaport, Will Abbott of the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Lynne O. Placey of Stewartstown and others wishing to share their experience they had with NP.
Please join us and show your solidarity for your neighbors and friends who oppose this assault on our community. Share the experience you had, or are having with Northern Pass representatives, with others.
The Power Line Education Fund is the fund raising arm of opponents to Northern Pass and was established to educate and raise public awareness of HVDC Power Lines in NH and has a website at www.livefreeorfry.org.
Anyone who would like to donate to the opposition to Northern Pass and the work of the Power Line Education Fund can go to the website and donate on line or mail a contribution to the Power Line Education Fund, P.O. Box 441, Colebrook, NH 03576. All donations are welcome and will be spent responsibly.
For more information on the event, the Power Line Education Fund or the Northern Pass project contact infonorthcountrypowerline@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Landowner Seminar On Eminent Domain

Landowner Seminar On Eminent Domain Set for Thursday,
March 31ST in Colebrook
The legal firm of Waystack Frizzell, Trial Lawyers and the Power Line Education Fund have organized an informational seminar on eminent domain for landowners titled “Empowering Landowners”, to take place on Thursday, March 31, 2011 starting at 7:00 pm at the Colebrook Country Club,
Priority seating to this seminar is for all affected landowners “in-process” along the 40+ miles of new Right-Of-Way (ROW) proposed by the Northern Pass LLC PROJECT, who have been served papers from PSNH requesting access onto their private property. Others may attend if space is available.
Rick Johnsen, member of the Power Line Education Fund, stated, “…it’s important that landowners recognize that they are not alone in this struggle. We organized this meeting for landowners who have been contacted, (served papers) by PSNH, along the 40+ miles of proposed new ROW only. We welcome all landowners “in-this-process”.
Presented by trial lawyers, Phil Waystack and Jon Frizzell, topics to be addressed include: access to your property by others, legal issues surrounding eminent domain / taking of private property, legal steps to consider in the early going, gathering information now to make the process easier later on, the different forums in which value of the taking will be considered and how to deal with early requests by Northern Pass to enter your property.
Trial lawyer, Phil Waystack, of the Waystack Frizzell Law Firm stated: “Our hearts are with the people. We live here too. We want to help the North Country residents at this time and give them the information they need to understand their legal rights.”
Come to this seminar and get educated on important issues like easements and the taking of your land. You can take action NOW! Learn information about how to try your own case to the court or other forums, how to undertake action on your own and, how to prepare yourself. Examples of information that is important to know is that landowners should take pictures of their property now, to document its value before hand and how to seek additional legal information.
The seminar is FREE OF CHARGE but space is limited. The focus will be on the landowners whose land may be "taken" for the new 40+ mile right of way(s) planned for the northern NH townships. Your served papers will allow your entry, but you must register in advance. To register: contact Rick Johnsen at 603-237-5500 , email: rick@ColumbiaNH.org or by mail to Power Line Education Fund, PO Box 441, Colebrook, NH 03576.
Northern Pass is an LLC created for the building of the High Voltage Direct Current transmission line through New Hampshire by Hydro Quebec in collaboration with North East Utilities, its subsidiary Public Service of New Hampshire, NStar, and Hydro Quebec. For more information on Northern Pass go to www.northernpass.info .
Seminar sponsors include: the legal firm of Waystack Frizzell, Trial Lawyers, the Power Line Education Fund and the Colebrook Country Club. For more information email infonorthcountrypowerline@gmail.com.
- END -
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Power Line Education Fund Has A Booth At Swift Diamond Riders’ SnoDeo, 2011 March 4 & 5 Stewartstown, NH
Local opposition groups to Hydro-Quebec’s Northern Pass Transmission Line project have organized an information booth, in the Mall Tent at the Swift Diamond Riders’ SnoDeo 2011, on March 4th and 5th at the Coleman State Park in Stewartstown NH. The Information Booth is for all residents, landowners, tourists and anyone who is interested in the negative impact that Hydro-Quebec’s Mega Power Line will have on the North Country’s economy, heritage, health and way of life.
Rick Johnsen, member of the Power Line Education Fund, stated: “It’s important that residents, absentee landowners and seasonal residents recognize that they are not alone in their concerns about land values and the biological hazards associated with very high voltage direct current power Lines. The Fund organized this information booth to best reach out to the hundreds of tourists and landowners who live in other areas but come to the North Country on a regular basis. All comers are welcome, whether they anticipate the power line may go over their property or not and invite all others who anticipate or are concerned about a decline in land values for their property due to the proposed project, to stop by the booth. The booth will be in the heated Mall Tent. SnoDeo participants can stop in and pick up information and show their support for the Fund, sign a petition and get connected!” Organizers believe it’s important to get landowners and tourists input as welland hope to elicit ideas on how to best stop Hydro-Quebec’s Northern Pass.
Northern Pass is an LLC created for the building of the High Voltage Direct Current transmission line through New Hampshire by Hydro-Quebec in collaboration with North East Utilities, its subsidiary Public Service of New Hampshire, NStar, and Hydro-Quebec. Hydro-Quebec is subsidizing the entire project, from start to finish, including the sponsorship of Swift Diamond Riders’ SnoDeo 2011, here in the USA. For more information on Northern Pass go to www.northernpass.info
The Power Line Education Fund has been established to collect donations to educate and raise public awareness about this massive project, which will send electricity into the power grid at two cents per kilowatt hour, serving residents of Massachusetts and Connecticut with little if any benefit for New Hampshire, while decimating our landscape and economy. Individuals interested in donating to the Fund may do so safely through PayPal, simply click the DONATE button on the www.livefreeorfry.org home page or send a check or money order to the Power Line Education Fund, P.O. Box 441, Colebrook, NH 03576.
Booth sponsors include the Power Line Education Fund, the Concerned Citizens Against the NSTAR - HVDC Power-Line in New Hampshire and The Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy. For more information on the opposition go to www.livefreeorfry.org or email infonorthcountrypowerline@gmail.com.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Farm and Forest Expo in Manchester
Live Free or Fry booth at the Farm and Forest Expo in Manchester, NH. February 4th & 5th.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
LANDOWNERS "You Are Not Alone" A meeting, January 28th, 6:00

Local opposition groups to the Northern Pass Transmission Line have organized a meeting for landowners titled “Landowners, You Are Not Alone” to take place on Friday, January 28, 2011 starting at 6:00 pm at the Colebrook Elementary School Cafeteria. The meeting is for all affected landowners and anyone who is opposed to the impact that Northern Pass will have on the North Country’s economy, heritage, health and way of life.
Topics to be addressed will be landowner rights, issues surrounding eminent domain, steps of the governmental review and permit process for Northern Pass and how long it will take, how to deal with early requests by Northern Pass to entry property before the entire permitting process has been completed, the impact the proposed project has on property values, and when and how to seek legal advice.
Organizers believe it’s important to get landowner input as well and hope to elicit ideas on how best to help them now and in the future.
Event sponsors include the Power Line Education Fund, the Concerned Citizens Against the NU / NSTAR HVDC Power-Lines in NH and The Poore Family Foundation for North Country Conservancy. For more information on the opposition go to www.livefreeorfry.org or email infonorthcountrypowerline@gmail.com.