Landowner Seminar On Eminent Domain Set for Thursday,
March 31ST in Colebrook
The legal firm of Waystack Frizzell, Trial Lawyers and the Power Line Education Fund have organized an informational seminar on eminent domain for landowners titled “Empowering Landowners”, to take place on Thursday, March 31, 2011 starting at 7:00 pm at the Colebrook Country Club,
Priority seating to this seminar is for all affected landowners “in-process” along the 40+ miles of new Right-Of-Way (ROW) proposed by the Northern Pass LLC PROJECT, who have been served papers from PSNH requesting access onto their private property. Others may attend if space is available.
Rick Johnsen, member of the Power Line Education Fund, stated, “…it’s important that landowners recognize that they are not alone in this struggle. We organized this meeting for landowners who have been contacted, (served papers) by PSNH, along the 40+ miles of proposed new ROW only. We welcome all landowners “in-this-process”.
Presented by trial lawyers, Phil Waystack and Jon Frizzell, topics to be addressed include: access to your property by others, legal issues surrounding eminent domain / taking of private property, legal steps to consider in the early going, gathering information now to make the process easier later on, the different forums in which value of the taking will be considered and how to deal with early requests by Northern Pass to enter your property.
Trial lawyer, Phil Waystack, of the Waystack Frizzell Law Firm stated: “Our hearts are with the people. We live here too. We want to help the North Country residents at this time and give them the information they need to understand their legal rights.”
Come to this seminar and get educated on important issues like easements and the taking of your land. You can take action NOW! Learn information about how to try your own case to the court or other forums, how to undertake action on your own and, how to prepare yourself. Examples of information that is important to know is that landowners should take pictures of their property now, to document its value before hand and how to seek additional legal information.
The seminar is FREE OF CHARGE but space is limited. The focus will be on the landowners whose land may be "taken" for the new 40+ mile right of way(s) planned for the northern NH townships. Your served papers will allow your entry, but you must register in advance. To register: contact Rick Johnsen at 603-237-5500 , email: rick@ColumbiaNH.org or by mail to Power Line Education Fund, PO Box 441, Colebrook, NH 03576.
Northern Pass is an LLC created for the building of the High Voltage Direct Current transmission line through New Hampshire by Hydro Quebec in collaboration with North East Utilities, its subsidiary Public Service of New Hampshire, NStar, and Hydro Quebec. For more information on Northern Pass go to www.northernpass.info .
Seminar sponsors include: the legal firm of Waystack Frizzell, Trial Lawyers, the Power Line Education Fund and the Colebrook Country Club. For more information email infonorthcountrypowerline@gmail.com.
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